Lumberjack Parade Participation info
Please contact Charity Tiffany: CharityManager1@outlook.com or call 607-621-7069
It may seem early, but we are already gearing up for this year’s Deposit Lumberjack Festival. It is the 43rd celebration of Deposit’s greatest summer event, and we are really excited to continue our festival. We are committed to making this year’s the event one to look forward to.
A big part of the festival has always been the Lumberjack Parade. This year’s parade will take place Saturday, July 20th starting at 5:00 P.M.
We want all local merchants, businesses, organizations, class reunions and private individuals to participate. With this in mind, we want to alert you to the parade date and time and hope you will consider being a part of this time-honored event. We look forward to seeing what everyone will put in this year.
Please send an email to Charity Tiffany at Charitymanager1@outlook.com and let her know you would like to participate in the parade. You do not need to have any details in mind at this time; just let us know you want to participate in this great traditional event and celebrate the Lumberjack Festival’s 43rd anniversary.
We want to make this one of the greatest parades ever, and with your help we know we can make that hope a reality.
Thanks for your continued support of the Lumberjack Festival.
The 2019 Deposit Lumberjack Festival Board
Luke Tucker, President
Michael Zandt Sr. Vice President
Directors: Richard Altschuh, Sarah Evans, Danielle Finnerty, Michael Finnerty, Lauren Lauko and Mike Santamaria
Please print out and complete the Parade Registration form and review the accompanying rules, directions and judging information. The form can be printed from your computer and mailed to the address shown on the letterhead.